
What have you learned about Genetics so far? be specific!


  1. That genes are on chromosomes. That not everything has to sexually reproduce, there is asexual and sexuaal reproduction. Clones are the product of asexual reproduction. Offspring are babies of everything but humans(kids). Then we learned how punnet squares help us predict genetic inheritance. and how its a 50/50 chance of inheriting traits from your parents

  2. YA BUDDY!!!! i said it first

  3. I've learned that your genes are inherited from your parents. Genes are either dominant or recessive. You inherit 50% of your genes from each parent. Which genes you'll inherit can be predicted using a Punnett Square.

  4. I have learned that genes are the basic unit of heredity, that consists of a segment of DNA on a chromosome.

  5. Ive learned that we get our genes from our parents from a random process and should be happy with what we have:)!

  6. I have learned that genetics is the study of variation & heredity. Genes are inherited from parents to offspring, (offspring-new organism produced by 2 or more parents). There is one allele passed down from each parent, determining what trait the offspring receives. There are two types of alleles; dominant & recessive. If an allele is dominant, it will overpower an allele that is recessive. (The theoretical probability of genes can be determined with a Punett-square)

  7. I have learned that genetics are the basic unit of heredity and is the study of variation in different genes. I also know that genes are inherited from parents, and that the parents each have 2 genes for each trait, one gene from each trait is passed down to the child. One of the genes is dominant and th other is recessive. Whichever gene each offspring gets is a random process.

  8. ..... i have learned about ......... reproduction

  9. in genetics, reproduction of offspring occurs with either sexual or asexual reproduction. Sexual is when there are two parents that combine sperm cells and egg cells which carry the parents dna and traits for the offspring. The parents genes for each traits have a 50% chance of being passed down. Asexual reproduction is when one organism can reproduce without another organism, and the product of this is an exact clone of the parent

  10. i have learned about how some organisms reproduce sexually using 2 organisms and asexually witch is just making an exact clone of yourself. also that the traits you recieve from your parents are random. also i learned how to make punnet squares and greger mendels theory on reproduction. and finally we learned that parents have recessive and dominent traits the pas down to their offspring.

  11. Ive learned that you inherit your genes from your parent randomly. Ive also learned about dominant and recessive genes and how if you receive 2 recessive genes you will have the recessive trait but if you have at lease 1 dominant gene the dominant gene will show. Ive learned how to make punnet squares to predict the genes of offspring.

  12. Ive learned that you inherit your traits from your parents randomly. Ive also learned that there are dominant and recessive traits for every traits. I also learned how to make a punnett square.

  13. I've learned that the genes are passed down at random, and that punnett squares help predict the outcome of a certain trait.

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  15. I have learned that you inherit 50% of genes from you mother and 50% from your father.I have also learned about punnet squares and recessive and dominant genes.

  16. i learned about unnett squares and that we inherit all our traits from our parents

  17. I've learned from genetics that your traits are passed down randomly. You can you punnet square and find out what your traits might be. I have learned that there is recessive and dominate genes in punnet square.

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  19. I've learned how punnett squares show precentages of traits you could get from your parents. I learned about Meiosis and Mitosis. Also about sexual and asexual reproduction.
